Centralized Purchase of School Supplies - Kindergarten to Grade 6

Centralized Purchase of School Supplies - Kindergarten to Grade 6
We are pleased to share some exciting news regarding our school supply program. Starting this
upcoming school year, our centralized purchase of school supplies will include students in grades K
through 6. This initiative has been successful in Kindergarten for many years, and we believe it will
greatly benefit all elementary students.
What is centralized purchasing? This means the school will procure all necessary school supplies for students in specific grade levels. Parents are not required to personally purchase most supplies, as Glendon School will handle the process on behalf of all families.
Why are we expanding centralized purchasing to grades 1-6? This ensures consistency across grade levels, teachers can count on students having appropriate supplies for their needs in the classroom, and it also streamlines the process for families and allows us to negotiate better prices for bulk orders. Thus, parents save money.
How much will the supplies cost? The price will remain at $30.00 for Kindergarten. The cost for Grades 1 through 6 will be in the range of $40.00 to $60.00. These fees will be paid in September once they have been attached to your account in Schoolcash Online. The supply fees can be paid in one lump sum or in installment payments. As a parent, you have the opportunity to choose whichever payment plan fits best for your family.
What are the benefits for parents and students?
● Convenient and Time-Saving: You won't have to search for specific supplies from store to
store—we’ve covered it!
● Cost Savings: By purchasing in bulk, we can secure better prices and pass the savings on to
● Standard: All students receive the same high-quality supplies.
Thank you for your continued support. We look forward to a successful year with our expanded
centralized school supply program. Rest assured that your child will have everything they need for a
successful school year! If you have any concerns or further questions, please contact the school.
Warmest Regards,
Glendon School Elementary Staff
Supplies List for Grades 1-6 - these are to be purchased by the parent and are not included in the centralized purchasing.
Quantity Supplies to Purchase for Grades 1-3
1 Box of Kleenex
1 Pair non-marking shoes
1 Pair of headphones in a Ziploc bag
1 Change clothes
1 Water bottle (non-spill)
1 Artist sketchbook (Only for GRADE 3 and it is OPTIONAL)
1 Backpack
1 Lunch kit
Quantity Supplies to Purchase for Grades 4-6
1 Mouse for a Chromebook (can be a plug-in or wireless)
1 Recorder
1 Box of Kleenex
1 Pair non-marking shoes
1 Pair of headphones in a Ziploc bag
1 Change clothes
1 Water bottle non-spill
1 Non-scientific calculator (Grade 6 optional)
1 Paint/apron (Grade 6 optional)
1 Backpack
1 Lunch kit